With the photo on the left, I was experimenting and trying new things by create an interesting and compelling image. With the original photo on the right, taken of Shaina, I printed two photos out in black and white, then split the images, then put them back together. I am very pleased with the outcome of the photo and hope to make more images like this one. Maybe, I can try to add color and play with shapes. I am excited to continue creating pieces like this, and see how I progress.
With this series, I wanted to show how every person is connected with some part if their body in which they base their actions from. I used portraits of my friends to try to show their outer emotions versus what their inner emotions, that most people don't get to see. With the portrait of Alicia (top left) I believe she bases her emotions from her eyes. She likes to see and observe. With Justin, (top right) he is very connected with his heart because he is very sympathetic and bases his thoughts and actions strongly on his emotions. Aaliyah (bottom middle) I believe is connected with her hands because she likes to experience life through her hands, and only makes decisions if she has a hands on experience.
This was also an experimental shadow photo series that I started. It took me awhile to understand how shadows work with the hot lights, and how they form. I also noticed that the shadows are a lot more interesting when they are horizontal rather than vertical. I am also really excited to continue working with shadows but I think I should try to use different patterns and shapes to see how the images differentiate.
This was a test snapshot of Justin, creating art. This is what inspired me to start creating my senior ex. I understand that with my senior ex, the pictures will be composed better and be more of a compelling photo paired with a short documentary. I enjoyed the shape that was created with the headphones connected to the phone. I also enjoyed that every piece of the picture, is part of Justin's aesthetic and that is what I want to incorporate into my senior ex; capturing my friend's aesthetic.
pillow talk.
For this assignment, we had to capture moments from the music video Pillow talk by Zayn Malik. Throughout the music video there are wild uses of color and movement so I wanted to depict that in my photo. I strongly take portraits so I wanted to use a portrait in this assignment, since this was a new style that I was trying. I didn't want to edit the portrait too much, just in a small aspect to brighten up and make joyful. His eyes are closed to show the sleep aspect if what the song was talking about. Overall, this assignment was difficult but enjoyable.